Retirement Insights

Will Multiple Employer Plans Help Close the Coverage Gap?

Will Multiple Employer Plans Help Close the Coverage Gap?

Research from the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College

In an effort to lower the cost of plans for small employers and thereby increase coverage, the SECURE Act of 2019 made Multiple Employer Plans (MEPs) less restrictive and potentially more attractive for this group. This brief, which is based on a recent study, explores both the possibilities and the limitations of MEPs in improving coverage in employer-sponsored retirement plans.

Since 2018, First Eagle Investments has collaborated with the Boston College Center for Retirement Research (CRR) to develop actionable insights and tools for plan sponsors, consultants and financial professionals. Leveraging CRR’s decades of scholarly research and First Eagle’s many years of practical experience, together we are committed to serving as a steadfast resource in support of American workers’ journey toward secure retirement. This content is part of a series of wide-ranging insights that explore key challenges that retirement savers face in the years leading up to and while in retirement. Additional topics address how different workers save in their company-sponsored retirement plans, what affects spending in retirement, and the impact of healthcare expenses for different segments of the retiree population.