Market & Topical Perspectives

Ignore the Election Noise

Ignore the Election Noise

Elections have become a hot topic of conversation with financial professionals and their clients. To support these conversations, we developed “Ignore the Election Noise,” a client seminar focused on the potential of elections’ impact on markets and investments. This presentation is meant to help financial professionals quell their clients’ election fears and help guide them from making rash investment decisions that could potentially derail their long-term investment goals.

The content includes historical information illustrating how elections have had insignificant impact on market returns in the past. Topics to be covered:

Topics to be covered:

  • How have elections historically impacted the markets? Does it make sense to wait until the elections are over to consider investing?
  • What we believe investors should consider when weighing investment decisions. 
  • What headwinds and tailwinds historically have had more of an impact on the capital markets?

For more information, please contact us:

For financial professional use only. Not for public distribution.

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